You can put patchwork together in any palette you like. My favourite colour groups are drawn from the things I see and the places I’ve been.
The colours of the wall tiles all over the Moorish palace at Granada
A Bauhaus master insisted on the intrinsic roundness of red, squareness of blue and triangularity of yellow. Whatever the shape, it’s hard to go wrong with three primary colours.
The colours of traditional Congolese raffia appliqué, plus – sometimes – an accent colour that pops.
In my version the blue is indigo like denim or chambray and the red can stray to orange or pink.
The palette of a Pompeiian villa – ochre, red and a greyish blue – all over the streets of Naples today.
Red and white quilts are very traditional; in my version the red can stray to orange or pink.
Blanc de Blancs
Whites vegetable and mineral: laundry, flowers, paper and the pebbles on a beach in Greece.
Sea Glass
Inspired by the sea glass mosaics (green, brown & blue bottle shards) installed beneath the promenade at St Leonards-on-Sea.
Dandelion, possett, sulphur, ochre and other yellows, keeping the rest neutral.
The matchless, natural combination of green, blue and brown when bronze, brass or copper get weathered.
A trip to San Francisco prompted my mellowed, Haight-Ashbury rainbow.
Fairground carousel, gypsy caravan and Pakistani painted truck art blending with Comedia del Arte.