Your favourite person? Special place? Top novel of all time? Wrap up the one you love in a half-sized quilt bearing a single word: perfect for reading a book or watching TV from the corner of the sofa. Quixote anyone?
Favourite Place
Where’s the place that you call home? The place you built together to share your best existence?
Linen, cotton and silk
230 x 110cm
Favourite Person
Partner, offspring, best friend – say what you mean and give them a secure wrapping.
Linen, cotton and silk
220 x 110cm
Favourite Novel
Film? Song? Opera? Everyone’s got a favourite – swaddle someone you love in something they love.
Linen and cotton
200 x 110cm
Favourite Word
Sometimes that person, place or special vibe has a ready-made metaphor – an epithet – that perfectly nails the feeling.
Linen, cotton and silk
220 x 120cm
Favourite Place
Where is your happy place? Where are your richest memories located? Go there forever wrapped up in a TV Quilt.
Linen, cotton and silk
210 x 130cm
Favourite Person
When someone embodies the archetype - not any old version, but your one and only, give them the name they deserve.
Linen, cotton, Liberty Tana Lawn and silk.
210 x 110cm
Favourite Person
There are people who embody the archetype - not any old version, but your one and only. Give them the name they deserve.
Linen, cotton, chambray and silk.
210 x 110cm
Favourite Place
Where does the one you treasure travel in their mind or in their memory? Transport them there and keep them cuddly.
Linen, cotton and silk
220 x 120cm
Favourite Person
Brother, sister, parent, child? Godchild, spouse, colleague, mentor, hero? Wrap someone special in their special someone from history, fiction or life at large.
Linen and cotton
220 x 110cm
Favourite Word
Some people have a go-to concept, a true north for their brain and behavour. Envelop them in their big idea.
200 x 110cm
Linen and cotton
Favourite Word
There’s faith, there’s hope and there’s love: wrap that person up in something great, universal and eternal.
200 x 110cm
Linen and cotton bound with Liberty Tana Lawn
Favourite Person
When someone embodies the archetype - not any old version, but your one and only, give them the name they deserve.
Linen, cotton and silk.
210 x 110cm