Evensong is an evolving collection of typographic hand quilts bearing sacred and secular messages of comfort: the stillness and hush of evening in a blanket of slumber, repose, solace and protection until the break of day.

  • Evensong I, 2020

    A startling line from the Anglican Evensong service; the first in a collection of quilts bearing messages of comfort and protection through the night hours.

    200 x 220cm

    Hand quilted linen and cotton patchwork bound with striped Khadi cotton


  • Ténèbres, 2025

    “If day be done, draw over me the veil of shades”. A line from the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali poems, as translated by Andre Gide in 1913.

    210 × 220cm

    Hand quilted linen, cotton, silk and viscose patchwork bound with silk and striped Khadi.


  • Now Folds the Lily, 2023

    From a popular poem about evening by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in the colours of Victorian décor and painting.

    Exhibited in the first contemporary design intervention at David Parr House, Cambridge in 2023.

    200 x 200cm

    Hand quilted linen, cotton and silk patchwork bound with silk.


  • Sweet Dreams, 2024

    The benediction made famous by the voice of ‘Mama’ Cass Elliott in 1968, in California thrift shop colours against a field of denim and chambray.

    210 x 210

    Linen, cotton Khadi and wax print patchwork bound with Indian striped viscose


  • In Thy Arms

    Henry Purcell’s Evening Hymn of 1689, asks, “to the soft bed my body I dispose, but where shall my soul repose?”

    250 x 225cm

    Linen and cotton patchwork

    To be quilted - POA

  • Heaven’s Morning

    The visionary penultimate line of a treasured Victorian hymn.

    250 x 200cm

    Linen, cotton and silk patchwork

    To be quilted - POA